Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Back on My Feet!

Well folks, I am now almost 6 weeks post foot op. and everything seems to be going as planned. I visited Dr. Grady in Chicago last week and he said everything is going according to plan. I did not realize, until I saw him then, just how bad off my foot really was. There was a cyst in the bone, a trapped nerve locked up in scar tissue, scar tissue inside the joint and a half my remaining sesmoid bone was dead. Lucky me, no wonder I would get pain all over my body just trying to do an easy 5 mile run. I would post a picture of my freaky foot, but I dont want to make anybody sick! So long story short, I will be back on the stationary bike in two weeks.

The kids are running pretty good at the moment. I have incorporated a whole new running drill/hurdle drill session into our program and everybody seems to really be responding to it good. Most importantly, it shuts them up and makes them focus when we are in the gym. I have also revamped the core routine and made it twice as dynamic and difficult. Im not sure why I have been babying them for so long. But being that we dont really get the intensity and duration of training out of our running that I would like, due to the weather and running on the roads, I feel like this is a great time to hit the gym harder and get us prepared for the outdoor season. We have a meet coming up on Feb 20 so I will get some pictures up from that. I am going to try to set up my video camera in the gym tomorrow and get some footage of the kids doing these drills so 1. you can see what we are up to and 2. they can look back in 3 months time and see how far they have progressed.

Well, thats all I got for you for now. Happy training and GO RAIDERS!!!


1 comment:

matt c said...

tim hey its matt cutcliffe

thought i would say hello. im in england now and we run a pub. so things are pretty ok i suppose. we were talking about you the other day. and i thought i would see if i could find you. i emailed you from this website a few months ago i guess you didnt get my message. well anyway if wanna get in touch with me you can email me at cheem26@hotmail.com.